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Experts LogicTech

software Testing

Software testing solutions comprehend processes and tools that are used to test coded software to ensure stable software product. Software testing solutions can be comprehended as a procedure of questioning a software product to its merit. This helps to identify the correctness, comprehensiveness, and quality of software developed.


Software testing is the process to check the correctness, completeness, security, and quality of developed computer software STLC is the process which includes test planning, test designing, test executing and reporting defects. Experts Logic Quality Assurance (QA) and Independent Testing services ensure that applications are rigorously tested using industry-standard testing methods and QA processes. We rely on people and processes to build an offshore testing plan for our clients. We follow rigorous testing procedures & standards, and work in a structured environment and standards.

Experts Logic offers a complete range of Software Quality Assurance (QA) and Software Testing Services by maximizing software application quality, performance and availability while managing the costs and risks for our clients.

We offer independent QA and Testing Services spanning the entire software release lifecycle. Our QA services help you deliver your software with confidence and compete better in the market. This includes formulating the test plan & test cases, execution, defect reporting, defect analysis, risk assessments and recommendations.

Our team can work on these testing tools:

Functional Testing Tools: QEngine, WebTest, Compuware, QARun, FitNesse, Mercury Quicktest Pro, TestComplete, SilkTest, WATIR, RFT

Performance Testing Tools: JMeter, Compuware QALoad, Mercury LoadRunner, Mercury Astra Load Test

Unit Testing Tools: JUnit, NUnit, SQLUnit, J2MEUnit, BREW Grinder

V-Model: V-model is an efficiednt approach if you want minimal number of bugs in your product. V-model is somewhat similer to Waterfall model. Intead of going step by step like Waterfal model, testing is done on every step in V-model. A Typical v-model structure is shown below:

